Thursday, August 19, 2010


Six months ago today my whole world changed. I met the most amazingly talented, sweet, and funny person. He swept me off my feet with his charm, and his wit. Six months ago today marked the start of the best six months of my life. Jon's incredible strength, his uniqueness, and honesty have brought so much to my life. He challenges me to be the best person I can be...He doesn't let me settle for less or get away with my (sometimes) immature antics. :) Six months may seem so short to some. But the intensity of our relationship and the strength we've developed together, in my opinion, puts us light years ahead of some couples who have been together for years. Trust me, if I were sitting here reading someone else's blog about her boyfriend of six months I'd probably roll my eyes. But maybe the saying is true -- when you know, you just know.
We've developed our own world together, often understanding each other without saying a word. And as I watch him develop his own life and accomplishments, I could not be more proud. The challenge he is facing and that we, in turn, are facing together have done nothing but show our true courage. On second thought, it is his incredible courage that allows me to be stronger. Maybe it helps us realize more than others just how important we are to one another... How valuable life is...How amazing it can be.
So I will always cherish the last 6 months...Our first 6 months of many... For it was the time I learned more about myself than I have in a long time. It was the time I learned to love another more than I thought possible. It was the time I have smiled more than I ever knew I could. It was the time I first started to be a part of his world; a time when I found my inner strength... And as cliche as it sounds, my other half.

"You are the best thing that's ever been mine."

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